Friday, November 18, 2011


I recently bought a fixed 50mm lens which has been TONS of fun to use (highly recommend it). These are a few of my first pictures taken with that lens.

fog over Portland
the fence outside "Occupy Portland Park"

our dog, Miya

love her so much


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Standing Stones

Some pictures I took awhile ago but never got posted. Enjoy!

Silver Falls
Sunset at Puget Sound

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer in 16

I named this post "Summer in 16" for the reason that these 16 pictures pretty much represent where I've traveled in past three months. I went to Arizona to see friends and family, and to Wisconsin for the largest Airshow in the United States (Oshkosh) with my fellow highschool RV-12 building brothers, documenting the adventure with my camera. It's hard to select pictures for a post out of a whole mountain of photos, but here are a some that I really like.

The red rock of Utah.

The Colorado river...

My favorite airshow act. Aeroshell!
P-51 Mustang soaking up the sunset.
Thanks to everyone who was involved in making TeenFlight possible. One of the most amazing things I've ever been a part of!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Some pictures I've taken over the past few weeks. I'm SO ready for summer to get here! 


Saturday, April 9, 2011

It happens in a blink

I was looking through my pictures to find some for a new post, and I came across this one. It's only one photo but it's an interesting word picture to something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. The lyrics to this song popped into my head when I saw the picture, and I think they go together really well.

"It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time it takes to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there's no stopping time, what is it I've done with my life?... It happens in a blink..."

"Blink" by Revive

You only have one to live... what are you doing with it? Are you going to live it for Christ? Or are you missing out on impacting the world around you for God's kingdom? 

Don't waste your life.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First post

These are some of my favorites I've taken so far with my Cannon T1i. I don't have a editing program (yet) other than what came with the camera, so they are pretty much the raw image. Let me know what you think!